New York DOB Sponsoring Talk by Helen King

"Homosexuality in Handwriting and Doodles" will be the subject discussed by Helen King on Sunday, March 1, in a lecture jointly sponsored by the New York chapters of the Daughters of Bilitis and the Mattachine Society. The lecture will be accompanied by illustrations drawn from the handwriting of noted persons and samples provided by the audience.

Misa King is editor of the publications of the American Graphological Society and is the author of "Your Doodles" and other books. She was a member of the Fannie Hurst TV panel show which was consored.

At a meeting of the American Graphological Society last December, Miss King spoke on "Homosexuality in Handwriting". It was the first time that this organization had had a full meeting dealing with homosexuality, and Miss King's paper was very well received. She emphasized primarily the concept of bisexuality with either male or female characteristics dominating. Samples of handwriting supplied by members of the Daughters of Bilitis and the Mattachine Society were used for illustration.

At the close of the meeting, packets of information containing copies of THE LADDER and the Mattachine Review were distributed to the audience. Much interest was expressed by those prosent and many desired additional information on the subject.

The implications of handwriting revealed by this eminent authority are of a great deal of interest and it is hoped that her findings will provoke much stimulating discussion at the forthcoming meeting.

The meeting will begin at 2:00 p.m. in Steinway Hall, 113 West 57th St., New York City. Admission is free, so come and bring your doodlesĮ